German Association for the Study of British Cultures

BritCult 2024

The 2024 conference on “Politics of Emotion / Emotions of Politics” will take place at the University of Innsbruck from 21 to 23 November.

Postgraduate Forum

The 2024 postgraduate forum (University of Innsbruck, 21 November) is looking for papers of current work in progress. The call is open until 23 June.

Monthly Stammtisch

BritCult members are invited to join the Stammtisch every third Monday of every odd month via Zoom. The link is distributed by email.

Workshop 2024

The 2024 workshop on “Cultural Studies: The Role and Relevance of History” took place at Bielefeld University from 3 to 4 May.


The association’s chair, Prof Dr Oliver v. Knebel Doeberitz, passed away unexpectedly on 17 February. We mourn the loss of our esteemed colleague.

Historical Documents

Accompanying the publication of “How Cultural Studies Came to Germany” in JSBC 2021/1, the Association put together a set of relevant historical documents.

About the Association

The German Association for the Study of British Cultures aims to promote academic activity in the field of British and other English-speaking cultures. The Association’s main concern is to bring a scholarly cultural dimension to the subject matter and perspectives of English Studies at German universities and schools; and to give this dimension more conceptual depth, thematic differentiation, and institutional recognition. Its activities include organising conferences and workshops as well as reserving a small fund for the sponsorship of events.

Become a Member!

Members help fund two issues of the Journal for the Study of British Cultures a year. BritCult memberships cost between 20 and 50 euros.