
Joint Statement on Fixed-Term Contracts in German Academia

The German Association for the Study of British Cultures has signed the open letter “Wissenschaftszeitvertragsgesetz abschaffen – Grundfinanzierung der Universitäten stärken.” The joint statement on the precarity of academic careers in Germany calls for an open discussion and reform of the German law on fixed-term contracts in academia, not only in the wake of the #IchBinHanna movement.


Useful Advice for PhD Students and their Supervisors

A survey concerning PhD theses and counselling for PhD candidates conducted by Prof Dr Gesa Stedman resulted in an article which includes useful advice for both PhD students and their supervisors.

Gesa Stedman: “Kommunikation und Begleitung: Professionelle Doktorand(inn)enbetreuung.” BritCult, 25 Jun. 2007,