Postgraduate Forum

Postgraduate Forum 2013

Date: 31 October 2013
Place: HU Berlin
Deadline: 20 July 2013

To prepare your paper for the postgraduate forum, please refer to the general guidelines for presentations (last updated 2012).

Postgraduate Forum

Postgraduate Forum 2012

Date: 22 November 2012
Place: University of Basel
Deadline: 15 July 2012

To prepare your paper for the postgraduate forum, please refer to the general guidelines for presentations (last updated 2012).

BritCult Award

BritCult Award 2011

Ellen Grünkemeier. Breaking the Silence: South African Representations of HIV/AIDS. PhD thesis.

BritCult Award

BritCult Award 2009

Elahe Haschemi Yekani. The Privilege of Crisis. Narrative Patterns of Masculinities in English Colonial and Postcolonial Literature, Photography and Film. PhD thesis.

Lars Eckstein. Song Texts: A Cultural Rhetoric of English Lyrics. Habilitation thesis.


Useful Advice for PhD Students and their Supervisors

A survey concerning PhD theses and counselling for PhD candidates conducted by Prof Dr Gesa Stedman resulted in an article which includes useful advice for both PhD students and their supervisors.

Gesa Stedman: “Kommunikation und Begleitung: Professionelle Doktorand(inn)enbetreuung.” BritCult, 25 Jun. 2007,